For this draw, the minimum CRS score cut-off was 525, Canada Express Entry program is the fastest gateway for all skilled Immigrants, this draw seems to be non-specific where CEC (Canadian Experience Class) and the FSWP (Federal Skilled Worker’s Program) candidates were also at capacity to be invited, but the highlight here is that the CRS score is fixedly decreasing by 8-9 points.
Draw Highlights
Since the time all program draw resumed on July 6 of this year, a total of 7500 candidates are invited to apply for permanent residence, In each draw, the count got increased by 250 more candidates
CRS Score Compared with July 6 draw
As mentioned above the minimum CRS cut-off score for the current draw is 525 which is 32 points less compared to the previous draw held on July 6 where the applicable score was 557.
18 Months Pause for Express Entry All Program Draws
IRCC, due to the pandemic hit paused all program draws for a period of 18 months, where the period allowed immigrants through CEC and PNP programs, this lot were alone given invitations to permanent residence, by the meantime in September 2021, the CEC draws were also paused. The pause resulted in overfilling permanent residence applications during the period, Being borders closed due to Covid-19, the Canadian Government followed strict travel restrictions and guidelines.
Express Entry Operations and Changes in 2023
Canada focuses on the skilled workers who would help on a larger scale to fill the labour gaps by which they could meet all the labor market needs, the target immigrants also point out the French-speaking who are residing outside Quebec. Canada, through the biggest gateway, plans to invite 55,900 immigrants in 2022, and the number is projected to increase to 1,11,500 by the closure of the year 2024. IRCC confirms that the processing of applications will seemingly run back to the normal standard of 6 months and it would be more efficiently processed according to the CRS score of the Candidates depending on the eligibility criteria. IRCC is changing the usual and decides to conduct draws giving more importance to the specific skills and occupations rather than depending only on the CRS scores of candidates. The Immigration minister Sean Fraser confirmed the same with the CIC news as by doing so Canada will be at the capacity to pick in right immigrants who can suffice the labour market needs.
IRCC Aims to Target Skilled Immigrants For a Reason
The sole purpose of inviting such occupation-specific candidates is to expand the contribution of skilled workers so as to build success from the time they step into the country by meeting all the demands of the community.
What is Express Entry?
The three major programs the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), and the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) are run through the biggest gateway developed by the Canadian Government – the Express Entry, the application management system. The PNP candidates will be already eligible for any of the programs mentioned above. The system uses a grid/point-based system to rank the profiles of the candidates accordingly. All the top-scoring candidates will be issued with ITA’s Invitations to apply for permanent residency. Once the candidate’s profile is submitted, it is reviewed by IRCC to make the immigration decision. Thereafter the IRCC officer will ask for biometrics/ interview/or pass an additional document request, on final approval, the candidate avails the permanent residence status which is a clear step closer to becoming a Canadian Citizen.